Friday, January 9, 2009

Amnesty International - Signatures Campaign

I would like to call your attention to an official spot of the 2007 Amnesty International campaign called "Signatures." It is a rather moving and disturbing video, but extremely creative and sending a strong message. Watching until the end recommended.


Amnesty International - Signatures. (2007). Youtube – Broadcast Yourself. Retrieved January 6, 2009 from


  1. This is a great video indeed. Somehow, it invokes emotions in the viewer. I see why advertising like this is effective!

  2. The video is really great... Has real, psychological impact on the viewer. great job.. I think it totally proves a point of your blog.

    Tazo Chokhonelidze

  3. Thank you guys, both! =)
    Yes, the emotional impact and the urgency of the message it conveys were indeed the reasons for choosing this particualr video.
